To my class 3B reunion

Do you hear what I hear?

A reunion is very near

Get ready, my class 3B

Meet on the 1st of the New Year


No matter sun or rain

We must use freeway 10

Get to the party my friend

This is a 30-year chance


Tables are filled with food

Beer and wine but no juice

Grill oysters taste so good

Tequila shots go so smooth


Old scars show and tell

Cutting wounds by scallop shells

Joy and laugh with old tales

Glad to know, we all well


Friendship joy over 30-year

Pick up our class and cheer

Happy New Year!  Happy New Year!

To our class, class 3B!


Ung Suy (Thuy) Phan 潘翠膺

January 1, 2006, California, U.S.A.




Class 3B Reunion 同学会  Photos