谈 教 养 |
Christina Rossetti 的詩,用風來譬喻教養: Who has seen the wind? Neither I nor you; But when the leaves hang trembling, The wind is passing thro! 這首詩可以翻譯成: 你跟我, 都沒有見過風, 但是當樹上的葉兒在哆嗦的時候, 風正和我們擦身而過. 在《論語‧顏淵篇》裡,有一個很相似的描述: 君子之德風, 小人之德草, 草上之風必偃. 那就是說君子的風範,氣度和品格,雖然看不見,摸不著,但是他周圍的人郤都會體會到,感受到,受到薰陶和影響. 龙 泽
“1974年3B班” |
交 友 之 道 |
A friend you cannot count on
is no friend at all. 靠不住的朋友,根本就不是朋友. Speak well of friends or
else don’t speak at all. 說到朋友,就要說好的,否則就別說. A one-way friendship will
not last too long. 單方面的友誼,是不會持久的. Be absolutely up-front
with your friends. 對朋友,必須開誠佈公. Try not to pick a bone
with your friends. 盡量不要與你朋友爭辯. Be a buddy, not a bully! 做個好朋友,不要當惡霸. Why be a bully when you
can be a friend. 如能成為朋友,為何要做惡霸呢? True friendship is so
precious it should not be discarded lightly. 真正的友誼是寶貴的,不能輕易放棄. We should look for the good
in our friends and compliment them. 我們應該找出朋友的憂點,加以誇獎. You will not understand
your friend’s problem until you walk a mile in his/her shoes. 除非站在朋友的立场,否則你是無法理解他的問題. True friends will listen
with their ears and then speak from their hearts. 真朋友會細心傾聽,真心說出. Any gossip will put
friendship in jeopardy. 任何流言蜚語,都會使友誼置於險境. Being nice to a friend is
better than being hostile. 對朋友善意總比敵意好. The six-letter combination
for friend is: Forgiving. Respect. Inspiration. Ever-lasting. Never-ending and
Dedication. 組成朋友的六個字母是:
寬恕. 尊敬. 鼓舞. 永恆. 持久和奉獻. |
龙 泽
“1974年3B班” |
Photography by KHAIMINH.ORG |